Thu 9 November, 2017: Space Q&A Expert panel member for National Prison Radio, at Leicester Prison.

Sat 7 October, 2017: “Rocks from Space; WIndows to other Worlds” at Space Lates at the National Space Centre.

Fri 7 July, 2017: BlueDot Festival: University of Manchester meteorite stand

Sat 1 July, 2017: “Meteorites, Impact Cratering and Mars”, North West Astronomy Festival

Fri 30 June, 2017: “Meteorites and Impact Craters”, Girls in Geoscience, Geology Dept, University of Leicester

Thu 1 June, 2017: “Train Like an Astronaut” stand, MissionX, UK Space Conference

Sat 11 March, 2017: “Martian meteorites”, Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society, Geology section

Fri 10 March, 2017: Talk, Ordinary Meeting, Royal Astronomical Society

Wed 23rd November, 2016: Chaired RAS200 ‘Sky and Earth’ 2nd round townhall meeting, National Space Centre

Mon 21 November, 2016: Talk and meteorite stand, National Space Academy Year 12 Careers Conference, National Space Centre

Fri 7 October, 2016: Chaired RAS200 ‘Sky and Earth’ 2nd round townhall meeting, Belfast

Tue 12 July, 2016: Talk, Friends of the Royal Astronomical Society

Fri 22 April, 2016: Tim Peake talk, STARS Astrobiology, Robert Smyth Academy, Market Harborough

Tue 19 April, 2016: Google Hangout, Mercury Transit, Europlanet

Thu 14 April, 2016: Talk and meteorite display at Space Camp, Sandfield Close Primary School

Sat 12 December, 2015: “Martian meteorites”, Open University Geological Society

Thu 12 March, 2015: “The Thermal and Alteration History of NWA 8114 Martian Regolith”, Astrobiology and Planetary Exploration (APEX), University College London

Fri 23 January, 2015: Meteorite stand, StarGazing event at Diamond Light Source/RAL Space

Sun 9 March, 2014: “Exploring Mars on Earth”, International Women’s Day, London Science Museum